
the Book Friends Forever Podcast

Children's book publishing’s secrets are revealed as we listen in on fascinating, unguarded, insider discussion from two uniquely qualified best friends: award-winning author/illustrator Grace Lin, and one of NYC’s top editors, Alvina Ling. Go behind the scenes of kid lit and catch a glimpse of the lives of the best-selling author and editor, and the relationship between them.

Episode #56: The MORE Pandemic Episode

Episode #56: The MORE Pandemic Episode

Book Friends Forever are back this week with another episode discussing the global pandemic. Why? Because that is truly all that anyone can really talk about currently. They will catch up on each other’s lives, talk about what book they have been trying to read, and remind us all what they’re grateful for. Thank you for listening in!

*Just a reminder: This episode was recorded on March 23rd. Things will be different by the time you read this as there are such rapid changes with the state of the world every single day.

How are you holding up?

Grace has been feeling a little better as they are more in a groove with homeschooling. They have relaxed their standards about it. She hopes that after this is all over, that people never devalue teachers again. Homeschooling is incredibly hard! Grace’s daughter is making “Quackducks” as a way to tap into her creative mind. As a true artist does, she feels compelled to share her work and will be selling them on her website,! If you buy a uniduck, she will donate 100% of the money (except for shipping costs) to her school’s PTO Emergency Fund. This fund helps relieve the financial stress that many families may be facing by providing grocery card gift cards that will be distributed by the school to families in need of assistance.!!

What’s also been keeping her family sane is the multiple uses of ZOOM! All of the technology has helped keep schools and kids connected. She is doing readings to her daughter’s classroom. If you’re reading Grace Lin books to your class via distance learning, She’s also offering a free Q&A session via zoom! (You can sign up here:


Alvina completed her first full week of work in quarantine mode. It was really busy! It’s been especially hard to have all the meetings online as they just take so much longer. (They use WebX) She definitely doesn’t have any extra time to read! It’s also incredibly hard to concentrate. Zoom has also been a blessing in her life not only to keep connected through work and family but friends as well. One of her friends had a virtual dance party the other day that she participated in!


The new world we live in! Zoom-nation.


Grace and Alvina both make comments on how when their husbands were very sick and dying of cancer, one of their coping mechanisms to deal with the anxiety and stress was to stay BUSY! That’s exactly what they’re doing now.

What are we reading?

Here are some books that Grace has been reading to kids. She thinks reading to kids provides a sense of calm and connection needed more than ever right now. Read-aloud books vs. independent reads have been interesting for her to try and find. Here’s what she has!

Alvina’s list of some books she’s edited recently (and author’s tours have been cancelled!)

Everyone should buy books from independent booksellers!!! Grace recommends including books with an Asian character. There is a great deal of Anti-Asian rhetoric going on right now.

Speaking of anti-Asian rhetoric, Grace and Alvina discuss the email Grace received from publicists who asked if she wanted some pitches for her new Kids Ask Authors Podcast. The list of authors that were given to her were all white and mostly male. Is there something to this? Do white men represent safety in a time of crisis? Why aren’t they thinking of diverse authors? Hear the discussion!

What are we grateful for?

Grace is grateful that her family is healthy and well. She’s feeling thankful for the silver linings that Coronavirus has brought about such as spending the day with her family at the park with a special picnic. That would probably not have happened when not in quarantine. Also she is grateful for the New York Times and The Washington Post for writing an article about how she and other authors are reading and teaching online.

Alvina is grateful for all the technology right now so that people can stay connected. She is also thankful for The New York Times and NPR for keeping her best informed right now.

2-Minute Book Review by Alison Morris

Alison Morris is a nationally recognized children's book buyer with an infectious enthusiasm for reading and 20 years' experience matching books to readers. As the Senior Director of Title Selection for nonprofit First Book, she oversees the curation of children’s and young adult books on the First Book Marketplace, hand-selecting a diverse range of titles that speak to and address the needs of kids in underserved communities, with a keen eye to inclusion, authenticity, and kid-appeal. She previously served as Senior Editor at Scholastic Book Clubs, Children's Book Buyer for Wellesley Booksmith and The Dartmouth Bookstore, and was the founding blogger of the ShelfTalker children’s book blog for Publishers Weekly. She'll be joining us from her home near Washington, DC where she spends LOTS of time discussing books with her husband, illustrator and graphic novelist Gareth Hinds.

Breathe Like a Bear by Kira Willey, Illustrated by Anni Betts

Mindful moment tips perfect for kids and also adults during this stressful time.


Other books and media mentioned in this episode:

Episode 57: How the Pandemic is Changing Publishing

Episode 57: How the Pandemic is Changing Publishing

Episode #55: The Pandemic Episode!

Episode #55: The Pandemic Episode!